90 South Seventh Street, Minneapolis MN 55402-4108
Firm Details
The basic information about the firm.
- This firm has reported a violation. Please see Form ADV on the SEC website for more information. Here
Assets Under Management (AUM)
This is the total number of dollars the firm holds in client assets
- $262,622,768.00
Number of Accounts
This is the total number of open accounts the firm has under management.
- 1055
Number of Employees
This is the total number of employees that work at the firm.
- 124
Investment Employees
Investment employees includes any individual that is employed by the firm that may directly make financial decisions on behalf of the client
- 19
Services & Fee Structure & Activities
Information about the services offered and fee structure.
- Portfolio ManagementSelection of Other Advisors
Fee Structure
- Percentage of Assets Under Management
- Principal Transactions
- Trade/Sell Self-Recommended Securities
- Recommend Own Interest Securities
- Agency Cross Transactions
- Recommend Underwritten Securities
Information about the firm's clients.
High Net Worth Clients
A client that has either: greater than $750,000 in investable assets or a $1,500,000 net worth
- 47
High Net Worth AUM
This is the total number of assets under management for all clients the firm identifies as high net worth
- $91,212,273.00
Pension Profit Sharing Clients
Clients of the firm that participate in a profit sharing plan which the firm performs financial services
- 0
Charitable Organization Clients
Number of clients the firm identifies as Charitable Organizations
- 0
Charitable Organization AUM
Total number of assets under management for clients the form identifies as a “charitable organization”
- $20,497,483.00
Corporate Clients
Corporate clients are any companies that enlist the investment adviser for wealth management services
- 0
Corporate AUM
Total number of assets under management for clients the form identifies as “corporate”
- $6,867,437.00
None US Client Percentage
This is the total number of open accounts the firm has under management.
- 0%