1125 Nw Couch St, Portland OR 97209
Firm Details
The basic information about the firm.
Assets Under Management (AUM)
This is the total number of dollars the firm holds in client assets
- $1,298,014,846.00
Number of Accounts
This is the total number of open accounts the firm has under management.
- 2489
Number of Employees
This is the total number of employees that work at the firm.
- 5
Investment Employees
Investment employees includes any individual that is employed by the firm that may directly make financial decisions on behalf of the client
- 5
Custody of Assets
Investment employees includes any individual that is employed by the firm that may directly make financial decisions on behalf of the client
- True
Services & Fee Structure & Activities
Information about the services offered and fee structure.
- Portfolio ManagementBusiness Investment ManagementSelection of Other AdvisorsPublicationEducation
Fee Structure
- Percentage of Assets Under Management
- Trade/Sell Self-Recommended Securities
- Recommend Own Interest Securities
- Recommend Underwritten Securities
- Securities Buy/Sell Client Account
- Trade Quantity
- Commission Rate
Information about the firm's clients.
High Net Worth Clients
A client that has either: greater than $750,000 in investable assets or a $1,500,000 net worth
- 205
High Net Worth AUM
This is the total number of assets under management for all clients the firm identifies as high net worth
- $741,563,303.00
Pension Profit Sharing Clients
Clients of the firm that participate in a profit sharing plan which the firm performs financial services
- 14
Charitable Organization Clients
Number of clients the firm identifies as Charitable Organizations
- 14
Charitable Organization AUM
Total number of assets under management for clients the form identifies as a “charitable organization”
- $3,911,235.00
Corporate Clients
Corporate clients are any companies that enlist the investment adviser for wealth management services
- 25
Corporate AUM
Total number of assets under management for clients the form identifies as “corporate”
- $121,727,861.00
None US Client Percentage
This is the total number of open accounts the firm has under management.
- 0%